
to read or not to read, that is the question

It's only been about three hours and already I'm hooked on blogging. Good for me, not good for my English grade. This has become my new source of procrastination, replacing browsing Facebook for good pictures and aimlessly searching the web for that perfect pair of brown leather boots. Right now my parents believe I am studiously working on my English essay on Catcher in the Rye, however my mind can't seem to focus on Holden Caulfield and his peculiar dislike of phonies. Instead, my brain has been on constant replay of different ideas for my blog, reanalyzing each one until I've nearly reached the brim of insanity. The thing is, I'm just not interested in my schoolwork when I know there is a better option that doesn't require a stuffy grade or classroom lecture. It's ironic, isn't it? A blogger that dreads writing her English essay. When it comes to things like this, though, I ask myself, what's the point? In a few years I'm not going to remember the grade I got on a single math test or what I thought of Piggy in Lord of the Flies. What will remain important, however, is this blog, so long as it lasts long enough to make an impact on my life.
Well, I better be off now to analyze J.D. Salinger's writing techniques and how they help me further understand the novel. It's appealing, I know.


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